Emergency Services

Water Filtration Systems in Los Angeles

November 18, 2022
Water Filtration Systems in Los Angeles

Water is an invaluable resource that makes our lives better. However, not all the water at our disposal is drinkable –– or at least it shouldn’t be. While it is easy to drink from the tap, there are many risks associated with this water resource, which is why you should consult with professionals before putting yourself at risk. Let us tell you more.

Water safety

Drinking from the tap is not always advisable. Did you know, for example, that drinking from the tap can lead to problems including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and even neurological disorders? Infants, young children, pregnant women, and the elderly are particularly susceptive to these risks.

Water contamination

What exactly makes tap water sometimes unsafe to drink? After all, Congress has taken great steps to ensure public water supplies in the country are safe.

There are many factors that render tap water unsafe to drink. We list some of them here:

  • Naturally occurring chemicals and minerals
  • Local land use practices
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Sewer overflows
  • Malfunctioning wastewater treatment systems

What you can do

You might be wondering about steps you can take to protect the integrity of your water supply. The short answer is that you can do a lot –– starting with reaching out to a trusted plumber. They will be able to install any filtration systems that will make your tap water perfectly safe to drink, reducing the risk of illness and other related issues.

But not just any plumber will do. If you are anywhere in the Los Angeles area, we highly recommend Hank and Sons Plumbing, a family company that has been around for quite a while. Our services cover both residential and commercial needs, which should put you at ease.

Other services

If you’re wondering about what else we can do for you, the sky is the limit. We provide emergency plumbing services; drain cleaning and repair; fixture replacement and repair; tankless water heaters; re-piping; replacement and repair of sewer lines; and water leak detection, just to name a few.

Our team of diligent plumbers will answer any questions you have and take extraordinary steps to ensure you feel secure in our services. Our rates are affordable and we also offer coupons to make them even more accessible. If you are anywhere in the Los Angeles area, give us a call today to discuss the details of your case: 909-524-2906.